Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Living in a Beautiful Place

Harriet, I love your entry about the beautiful setting we are moving to. The United Methodist system, which I actually like, is still very odd. Nearly all we were told about Fortuna before going up for the interview by the Cabinet was that it was a beautiful place. A lot of homework, two hours driving around, and two hours of interview and we are off.

But, I know what it is like to live in a beautiful place, where God is the gardener and landscape artist. I lived in Boulder Creek and Mendocino County where I walked out of the house in the middle of the night to bump into a redwood tree, and where I did yard work with a chain saw instead of a lawn mower. People go to live in these places, do whatever work they can, to make just enough money to live there. I found that also. The land heals my spirit, calls out my emotions, and slows me down. In the rhythm of the forest and the ocean, I discovered my own rhythms that are lost in a city. I pay attention to sunset and heart beat and the slow easy conversation. Magic has always made sense to me when I am in the woods. I can always sense God's presence in a moment of quiet anywhere, but in the woods or ocean, that Presence dances.

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