Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Car meets Car

More on knowing me...
For those of you who don't know this about me, I'm practically a guy when it comes to my car. I love my car and during this move, it has been even more important to me. A place where I can center and feel like I still have some control over my life during this period of chaos and change. So, this morning, when I backed up with my car full of recycling and limited visibility and backed into Ted's car, heared the sickening crunch of two cars meeting, my heart sank lower than I expected and all my good intentions and good attitudes and being there for my family and anything good in my universe disappeared into a black hole. Actually, maybe that is a silver hole and you can actually see it in the photos above (I do hope my insurance agent isn't reading this). My head says that it makes a lot of sense to make this kind of mistake when there is so much new territory and stress but my heart is having a gigantic temper tantrum that probably doesn't befit the image most people have of a minister's wife or even their realtor and especially not their mother. Or maybe it's not a temper tantrum but an incredible bout of self pity. Which might last a while. I hate having anything wrong with my car. And it just seems like I ought to be able to have some control over some part of my life right now. Seems like I was wrong...

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